Welcome to Canadian Summit
October 19 & 20, 2024
Miniature Horse Driving Clinic
Didsbury, Alberta
The Canadian Summit is a annual clinic series for North Americans to expand their knowledge by learning from top professionals in the industry, brought to you by Amaretto Miniature Show Horses. Summit aims to be an affordable method for attendees to learn and improve their skills with their Miniature Horses & Ponies by bringing the industry's best, right here to Canada. Summit is a yearly gathering for higher education in our breed.
I believe that providing a great educational event will bring more interest to our sport, breed and local clubs. Expect to meet new people, breeders, see some great horses and experience great community.
This clinic aims to be the SUMMIT for likeminded Miniature Horse & Pony enthusiasts to gather, network, learn and grow.

Miniature Horse & Pony Driving Clinic
October 19 & 20, 2024 at Didsbury Agricultural Grounds
Didsbury, Alberta
This year I am proud to present a Miniature Horse & Pony Driving Clinic taught by Strachen Edwards of SS Show horses. Come for a special weekend of high powered, focused education from a top performing trainer in our industry!! This clinic is dedicated to driving miniature horses and ponies. This clinic is located just 50 minutes from the Calgary International Airport and will be a must-attend!
Sold Out! Thank you for a hugely successful 2024 Summit!
Meet the Clinician, Strachen Edwards
Strachen Edwards is no stranger to the winners circle. Hailing from southern Ontario, Strachen has trained and presented countless National Champion Halter & Driving horses and Shetland Pony Congress Champion Halter & Driving horses. Together with his wife Samantha they own SS Show Horses Training Center as well as a successful breeding program under the prefix "Bandidos" and have bred many Champions themselves.

Clinic Schedule
Schedule subject to change as we add more great education!
This clinic will take place in a indoor arena.

Day 1
Sat, October 19
8:30am Coffee & Muffins, Start by 9am
The morning is devoted to getting you in the cart!! Learn how about the driving divisions, equipment, how to harness & hitch.
Learn how Strachen starts his driving horses and learn ground driving exercises that will leave you confident to train your own.
Break for a Lunch & Learn at 12pm.
Followed by an afternoon of group driving lessons sorted by skill level for Clinic Attendees.
Day 2
Sun, October 20
8:30am Coffee & Muffins, Start by 9am
The morning is devoted to taking your horse to the NEXT LEVEL. Strachen will discuss breeding for & selecting a driving prospect, share how he develops the show horse, driving exercises, problem solving & fine tuning to get you and your horse show ring ready!
Break for a Lunch & Learn at 12pm.
Followed by an afternoon of group driving lessons sorted by skill level for Clinic Attendees.
Anonymous Question box will be available each day for you to "Ask the Trainer".
Lunch with refreshments will be available additionally for $15 per day. Sandwich or wrap, veggies, chips and water. Or, the Town of Didsbury is 5 minutes away if you'd like to leave for lunch.


ABOVE: Strachen Edwards showing LBM A Riel Boss Kid owned by Rockin Z Miniature Horses.
Clinic Attendee - Bring your horse! - $300 for participating both days, up to 2 horses but you may only use one horse in the arena at a time. Includes participation of your horse during the demonstration/instruction part of the day if appropriate & a 45 minute group driving lesson BOTH DAYS for focused education.
Only 10 Horse & Human Clinic Spots available.
Clinic Auditor - Bring your lawn chair! - $150 for both days, or $100 for 1 day. You will be in center ring or ringside. Learn by watching & asking questions!
Youth 12 & Under - FREE to Audit if accompanied by a paid clinic attendee or auditor!
Lunch - Optional - $15 per day for lunch for sandwich/wrap, veggies, chips and water. Didsbury is a 5 minute drive away if you'd like to get your own lunch.
Stalling - Optional - $35 per night at onsite indoor barn, shavings supplied.

Attendee Information
This clinic will take place in a indoor arena.

Pack your harness, cart & horses, and bring any specific questions you would like answered by Strachen!
Your investment includes participation in the morning demonstrations with a horse (if needed) for instruction to the clinic audience. Strachen will likely only need one horse for certain demos and that horse will be pulled from attendees.
As a clinic attendee you are welcome to bring multiple horses, but you may only have one horse in the ring at a time as a horse & handler duo, so divide your time wisely. Most registrants pick one horse to bring for the weekend!
Afternoon Group Lessons for Attendees
Each day at approximately 2pm we will start Group Driving Lessons by Strachen. Each Clinic Attendee has one group lesson per day (total 2 for the weekend). There will be no more than 3 drivers per group, with each group lesson lasting 45 minutes. There will be 15 minute warm up and tack up time between driving groups. We have found this group lesson method minimizes your nerves, gives you plenty of arena space and time to work on a new skill with Strachen.
Group driving lessons will be organized by skill level of the handler & horse.
Green - Horse or handler new to driving, handler has less than a year of driving experience, ground drivers.
Beginner- Handler has a beginners experience of driving and is excited to learn more!
Advanced - Handler has been showing and driving for years and is looking for fine-tuning.
I will reach out to Attendees a month before the clinic to sort you & your horse into a group lesson.
Stalling must be registered and paid for ahead of time on your registration form. Stalls are indoors and come with shavings but must be shoveled & cleaned out at the end of the weekend or Didsbury will charge a cleaning fee.

Sold Out! Thank you for a hugely successful 2024 Summit!
Please follow the payment instructions in the registration form!

ABOVE: Strachen Edwards showing Carefree's Rare Form owned by Carefree Shetlands & miniatures.
Summit 2024 Memories