My Motto: Show Horses Producing Show Horses.
My foals are the product of well researched crosses. I only breed when I believe a cross will truly produce something 100% better than both sire & dam. I breed for form without losing function.. A beautifully put-together horse without losing substance. I breed for a horse that you will love and enjoy for a LIFETIME! We welcome inquiries for foals in utero, we have waiting lists. Baby photos/announcements usually get on Facebook first!
Amaretto Adora Beau
2014 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Filly
Lucky Four SantaFe Beau Bey x ROKO Royally Bewtiched By Magic

​My sweet little girl is here !!! I hoped all winter that Maggie had a little girl for me in there. Winnie joins her GORGEOUS half sister Abel (on mares page) to my herd. I'm used to the Beau babies being friendly but Winnie takes the cake. When she was born, Maggie didn't lick her off too well, so I dried her off with a warm towel and I think that was it. She crawled in my lap & I was in love ! Winnie soaks up the attention. She has the longest legs (typical of Beaus babies) and the tiniest muzzle I've had in a baby yet. I showed Maggie last year while she was pregnant, so I guess you could say Winnie has 3 months of show experience already.. Hahaha.
She will be a gold palomino with two hind socks and a strip. I give palominos a few days to let their 'eyes' settle as sometimes they can be grey or blue at first, but her's haven't changed yet. Her left eye is half blue, SO PRETTY, and her eyes rimmed in eyeliner. An interesting fact-- her paternal brother born earlier this year is a palomino with 2 ice blue eyes.
With both her sire and dam being classic driving champions, I have high hopes for little Winnie. Little girl, BIG potential. Her maternal sister has legs and knows how to use them. You can see the sire, the dam, and the sister right here on the farm, all of them with great show records or still in the ring.. I am proud of all of them.. Heres a mare that will show in her younger years (and do WELL) and retire to make amazing babies for you--- Or me. I may keep her. I have selfish tendencies. She is available to someone with ambition and won't settle for less than everything.
SOLD Congrats Kathleen & Vern !

Amaretto Pretty Woman
2014 AMHA/AMHR Silver Buckskin Filly
Double Destiny War Emblem x Sunnyval Dealers Hot Sox

Paisley was born one night during a power outage ! Luckily there were no complications when she was born. She has beautiful markings -- they are almost identical on either side. I am guessing she will be a silver buckskin. Right now she is a little mousey colored but I imagine in a few months we will know her colour for sure. She is refined --- every feature about her is so delicate and small. Her nose is half the size of the other foals, her ears are so tippy, her barrel so tiny. She is eloquent and sociable. She has great markings as well-- from the top, it looks like she has butterfly wings. Her body color is lightening up all the time-- while her mane and tail are getting darker. It's looking hopeful for a buckskin!! SOLD -- congratulations Kathleen & Vernon!

Amaretto Beaullisima
2014 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Filly
Lucky Four SantaFe Beau Bey x Triple K Etched In Gold

Wow what an exquisite filly !!! She was born in the afternoon (unusual) while we were away at the Barb McDonald clinic!! We love this elegant little lady. She has a beautiful laid back shoulder, and the most up headed of all the babies this year. And TALK ABOUT A DISHY FACE. Like a little arabian. Esme gave us a bit of a scare early on in her life. She was sick, and not sucking, we had an emergency vet visit and we found her blood sugar was too low. So we gave her some dextrose and other antibiotics and she was up and bucking by the next morning. Whew. Unfortunately, she's been getting into trouble ever since then . (HAH)
She will mature a rich golden coin palomino like her dam. A show mare bred to my show stallion. No doubt this is an amazing cross-- you cannot go wrong. Hard pick this year between all of my wonderful fillies!!
We believe in the power of good genetics, our show horses producing show horses.
We bet our money on it.