2015 World Grand Champion Junior Stallion
Hunterberry Hill Simply Impressive
AMHA World Reserve Grand Champion Amateur Jr Stallion
AMHA World Reserve Grand Champion Futurity
3x World Champion Junior Halter Stallion
2014 AMHA/AMHR Dark Bay Stallion w/ Star & 2 Hind Socks, 33.5" "Spaz"
Rivenburghs Jess Let Me Impress x Reeces Undisputed Giovanni
Negative LWO

Mom and I are overjoyed to add this iconic Impress son to our Farm. Spaz has the most heartstoppingly beautiful Arabian face I have seen in the miniatures, just like his sire Impress. His eyes are huge, widely set and taper down to the tiniest teacup muzzle you could possibly imagine. He is ultra refined and fine boned, with perfect modern body proportions that are so hard to find in the miniature horses. He has a long, thin elegant hooky neck with a tight throat latch. Meeting him in person is a highlight of all our farm visitors.
Spaz's fabulous conformation lends itself to his gorgeous movement. It's a delight to watch him trot around the pasture on his long, dancers legs. Our hearts skip a beat! Spaz's spirit is joyful and kindhearted, which makes him a pleasure to be around. Spaz is always eager for a hug, a kiss & a treat -- his favorite snack is crab apples in the Fall!
Spaz has been bred to our fine mares and produced exactly the quality I envisioned. Please inquire on our foal crops to secure a "Spaz" baby of your own!

Breeding Information
Invitation Only.
Thank you for your interest.
We are eagerly expecting foals in 2025 & beyond as we plan to offer more foals in the future.
Email us for more information or to arrange a viewing.

Rivenburghs Jess Let Me Impress 33.5"
Rivenburghs Dulcinea 34"
McCarthys Jesse James Of Rivenburgh 34"
Hunterberry Hill Simply Impressive
Grosshill EK Undisputed Creation 33.75"
Reeces Sophia 33"

Rivenburghs Jess Let Me Impress
AMHA World SUPREME Champion

Reeces Undisputed Giovanni
AMHA World Champion & World Reserve Champion Halter Mare
Foals sired by World Grand Champion
Hunterberry Hill Simply Impressive
have started a legacy of impressive success in the show pen. "Spaz" offspring have been incredibly consistent. They possess cutting-edge, can't-look-away show presence with heart-melting, sweet temperaments that are a pleasure to work with. They make excellent companions with their eager to please personalities. The Spaz offspring we've lead into the show pen have garnered multiple Grand Championships, and many Supremes. Featuring delicate Arabian refinement and type, on long dancers legs, with beautiful necks and heads, to know one is to love one! We look forward to every foal crop from our premiere herd sire, anticipating what impressive show prospects and personalities are next to come.