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Hunterberry Hill Lavish Impression
2018 Amateur Level 1 Reserve World Champion Junior Mare
2017 AMHA/AMHR Black Mare 34" "Lavish"
Rivenburgh's Jess Let Me Impress WORLD SUPREME CHAMPION x Hunterberry Hill's California Chrome



Lavish permanent

Where do I start with my special Lavish? She was truly meant to be. I remember flying down to Oregon for a horse-cation in 2017, to help with the Kelly Campbell photoshoot for the foals at Hunterberry Hill. It was night time when I arrived, and we went to go visit the horses in the barn in the dark! We walk into one of the mare & foal barns and I just immediately got this feeling of electricity, raising hair all over my body. I looked into the stall where "Cali" the mare had a tiny little filly beside her. She was covered up in a slinky and a oversized blanket - all I could see were the perfect ears, big eyes, tiny nostrils and her legs from the knee down. I was instantly in love, and the next morning when her blanket came off and she was shined up for photos I was officially hooked! I was running the light reflector for Lavish's shoot, and I am pretty certain I wrecked her foal photoshoot cause I spent more time videoing then actually lighting up the filly!
Lavish is a true Arabian in miniature. She has a ultra pretty face, a neck a mile long, extreme laid back shoulder and a short short back with a long hip and gorgeous topline in a jet black package. The best part about Lavish would be her temperament and show attitude. She LOVES to show, and won't quit. She is the kind of sweet mare that puts her head under your arm and trots after you on pasture for one last hug.
It was very exciting to take Lavish in the ring for my Amateur Level 1 Jr Filly class and walk out with a Reserve World Championship! It was so well deserved.
If you look closely at Lavish's pedigree, you will see a combination of my 3 favourite bloodlines: Arenosa, Jesse James and Joe Dandy all combined into one extraordinary filly! Pedigree, conformation, temperament, type, color, not very often do you get all 5.
Below: Lavish as a foal, Summer 2017

Rivenburghs Jess Let Me Impress
McCarthy's Jesse James of Rivenburgh
Rivenburghs Dulcinea
Hunterberry Hill Lavish Impression
Philia Blazes Joe Dandy
Bear Branch Toy's Just a Dream

Amaretto Rantin' & Raven
2022 Black Filly sired by Hunterberry Hill Simply Impressive
4x Supreme Halter Champion

Amaretto on the Bright Side
2023 Liver Chestnut Colt with 4 socks & blaze sired by Hunterberry Hill Simply Impressive

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