Hunterberry Hill Jess Marvelous ROM
4x AMHA World Champion Country Pleasure Driving
1x AMHA Reserve World Champion Country Pleasure Driving
Multiple World Top 3, Top 5 & Top 10 in Versatility, Halter & Roadster Driving
3x AMHA Honour Roll Buckle Earner
AMHA Register of Merit for Country Pleasure Driving
2012 AMHA/AMHR Buckskin Stallion, 34" "Marvel"
McCarthys Jesses James Of Rivenburgh x Oak Bay Stormy River Edition

Marvel is a dream come true for Mom & I. When I started looking for a new herd stallion in 2013, I sat down at the table and made a NEEDS and WANTS (or "would be nice, if") list. I needed a horse that was built to drive. He needed to be country or single pleasure, and something that would win at the World level. I wanted a horse that would complement my select group of mares, and take my breeding program to the next phase. Color (buckskin) and personality were a frivolous bonus. I never thought I would be able to check off ALL of the items on my needs & wants list!!
I'll never forget the first time I saw Marvel. I was at the World show in Texas with friends and we were about to go for supper. At the Will Rogers arena in Fort Worth, there is a bridge leading to the parking lot and horses enter the arena under this bridge. I remember crossing the bridge with my stomach rumbling when I just happened to look to my left and see Adelyn Rowland from Hunterberry Hill round the corner driving this gorgeous buckskin. My first impression was--- WHAT a freaky headset.. WHAT a tight barrel.. LOOK at the legs on this elegant horse who looked like a park Arabian in miniature.. I suppose I was a little stunned because when I "came to" I was leaning over the railing of the bridge trying to take in this gorgeous horse. I followed him to the warm up arena and fell in love. I remember texting Mom, "He's the one."
I see so much in Marvel. Not only is he a next level driving horse with natural talent, but he has something to offer for every mare. A neck a mile long, an extreme shoulder, short back, long hip, refinement and legs for days. He has an ultimate, utlra modern Mini/Shetland blend pedigree that you will see in most of the top farms in the industry. Marvel is admired by many in the industry and we thank you all for believing in him!
As a breeding stallion Marvel has been carefully paired with some of our favourite show mares with fabulous results.

Breeding Information
2024 Breeding Fee
To Approved, Show Titled Mares Only
Includes: Live Foal Garuntee, Ultrasound additional.
Mare care is not included.
A.I. Fresh Cooled & Frozen Semen available

McCarthys Jesse James Of Rivenburgh
Michigans Silver Desperato (HOF)
Oneka's Midnight Delight
Hunterberry Hill Jess Marvelous
Grosshill Dandys Special Edition
Stormy River Flash Promise

Thank you Marvel for making our dreams come true!
One of our lifetime goals was earning an AMHA Honor Roll Trophy Buckle. We have been blessed to have been consistently scoring high in driving classes, with limited showing, earning Marvel 3 (3!!) buckles.
3X AMHA Buckle Earner:
Presented by Casey Campbell & Wingate Training Center
2016 AMHA Honor Roll Champion Country Pleasure Driving 32-34"
2016 AMHA Honor Roll Champion 4 Year Old Country Pleasure Driving
Presented by Adelyn Rowland & Hunterberry Hill
2018 AMHA Honor Roll Ladies Country Pleasure Driving
Foals sired by Multiple World Champion Country Pleasure Driving Horse
Hunterberry Hill Jess Marvelous
are making a name for themselves as All-Around horses in the show pen. Marvel's foals combine leg length, natural balance & carriage and athleticism to become excellent performance horses. Their temperaments are often goofy and friendly. They make for great partners. The Marvel offspring that have shown have brought home Multiple AMHA Canadian National Grand Champion Halter titles and are top placing in Driving Classes.
We are very glad to retain Amaretto The Pleasure is All Mine for our broodmare band.

Marvel is the Sire Of:

2023 Canadian National Supreme Champion
Karlena's He's N Ikon
Owned & Bred by Karlena Farms, Conceived via AI, Fresh Cooled Shipment
5 Time Supreme / Champion of Champion Halter Horse
Watch for him in Country Pleasure Driving
2024 Canadian National Grand Champion Senior Mare
Amaretto The Pleasure is All Mine
Shows in Halter Mares / Country Pleasure Driving / Versatility / Hunter