MIMI's STORY.. Aimee was brought home from Oregon in 2018 and in 2019 (after failed attempts to get her bred to Marvel in 2018) we decided to try one last year to get a Marvel x Aimee foal. With Aimee being aged (20 at that point I believe) the chances of getting one last foal were slim (fertility drops steeply after the age 18). In 2019 we began the veterinary guided process of trying for a foal one last time. We lost the first two pregnancies that summer - no heart beat on the first, and she absorbed the second. We had lost hope, but Marvel and her were fabulous pasture mates so we left them together. In late October she had a very strong cycle. On October 25, 2019 at 11:45am one of our combine's caught fire upwind of the farm. The wind was 67 km/hour that day, and the fire blazed through 2 quarter sections within 20 minutes until it crept onto our homestead. We raced to stay ahead of the fire, neighbours and friends appeared out of no where with discs and water to save the farm. I was able to drive through the fire and save our tractor and baler that was seconds away from being engulfed in flame, and watched as the fire melted some of our parked farm implements on the outskirts of the yard, and completely raged through our winter bedding bale supply. Most of our horses were safe on property upwind of the fire, except Marvel and Aimee who were at my house. My dear friends from up the road raced down with a trailer and helped me evacuate Aimee & Marvel (who were very actively breeding!) to their place, where they had a very romantic pasture to themselves. The farm was saved thanks to our family, friends, neighbours, fire service and kind companies with water trucks. Mimi was conceived on this heat, and Aimee maintained this pregnancy with a few hiccups!
September 7 2020, our miracle foal arrived earlier than expected!! Mimi was born premature, and after failing her snap IGg was rushed to the vet hospital. She required a plasma transfusion and a 7 day vet stay! When she got home, she was bottle-fed to supplement her mothers milk. We borrowed a dairy goat for her first month, in order to milk twice a day for fresh milk for Mimi. Needless to say we are very attached to her, we adore her fierce spirit and playfulness that borders on naughty half the time. Mimi is our miracle filly!!