Hunterberry Hill So Impressively Sweet
2018 Amateur Level 2 Reserve World Champion Junior Mare
Multiple World Top 5 & 10 in Halter
2016 AMHA/AMHR Black Mare 33.5" "Sweet Pea"
Rivenburgh's Jess Let Me Impress WORLD SUPREME CHAMPION x Fallen Ash Scouts So Sweet

Country Pleasure Driving Mare trained by Adelyn Rowland
Sweet Pea was one of the few Impress fillies retained by the Hunterberry Hill breeding program, and for good reason! I got to see Sweet Pea as a weanling, and then as a yearling for her Kelly Campbell photoshoot and admired her the whole time. It was not a surprise with her sweet temperament, extreme Arabian type and incredible neck why she was being retained by the Rowlands. When they announced their dispersal, Mom and I jumped at the opportunity to add Sweet Pea to our (not on purpose) band of black mares! Sweet Pea is the only Impress filly sold past 12 months of age.
We bought Sweet Pea in early 2018 and she showed with Hunterberry Hill that year, gathering many Grand Junior Halter mare titles. It all culminated with Sweet Pea taking home a Reserve World Championship in Amateur Level 2 at the World Show 2018!! We were thrilled!!
Sweet Pea at World Show 2018, getting her trophy & neck sash!

Rivenburghs Jess Let Me Impress
McCarthy's Jesse James of Rivenburgh
Rivenburghs Dulcinea
Hunterberry Hill So Impressively Sweet
Fallen Ash Scouts Raven Beauty
Little Kings Buckeroo I Stand Grand